In search of a solution

Umo, created by Vincent Graham, streamlines the production process for businesses, allowing them to achieve their full potential without limitations.

The idea was to provide businesses nationwide with video production capabilities, whenever, wherever, and for a fraction of the cost.

Meet the Team

  • Vincent Graham


    Vincent’s passion lies in dismantling complex processes, making it effortless for creators to bring their visions to life. This commitment extended to my work in traditional media and vr, where he aimed to streamline media and technology content creation, empowering auteurs to realize their full potential.

  • Fito Garcia


    As a naturally creative soul, Fito thrived as a Creative and Talent Director across radio and TV. Beyond traditional media, he prides himself on his keen ability to stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape and social media, ensuring his content remains fresh, relevant, and engaging.

  • Ryan Lutfalah


    Ryan, an MBA-qualified business manager, combines vast consulting experience across various sectors with a zeal for driving success. Beyond his professional acumen, Ryan has a broad interest in media, including films, video games, art, and poetry, showcasing his creative and well-rounded nature. Ryan is dedicated to inspiring others towards excellence and innovation.

  • Matthew Graham


    With a foundation in mathematics, Matthew has grown into a data analyst, navigating projects across diverse fields. His journey has led him from delving into renewable research initiatives to enhancing digital quality control in healthcare, applying the analytical rigor honed through academic and professional experiences.